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Our Chapter

Delta Zeta - Xi Omicron

Founded on November 1, 1986, the Xi Omicron Chapter of Delta Zeta has thrived at Loyola Marymount University over the last thirty years. During this time, the sisters of the Xi Omicron chapter have been active participants in many facets of the LMU campus, ranging from orientation leaders, ASLMU senators, and Special Games Coordinators.


Known for their involvement on campus and friendly faces, the Xi Omicron Chapter has been honored with many awards over the years.

Highly dedicated to both their organization and the Greek community, the sisters of Delta Zeta competed in and won the 2018 Lip Sync and Stroll-Off and the 2015 Greek Week Competition. It is this dedication to both their members and the campus that earned them the  Leadership and Educational Development award for LMU EXP (2015-2016). The Xi Omicron Chapter also received an honorable mention in the category of Outstanding Greek Leadership Training Program or Other Leadership Program/Event at the 2016 National convention.​


With strong ties to our philanthropy organizations, the Starkey Hearing Foundation and the Painted Turtle Camp, we have raised nearly 20,000 dollars through our philanthropy events alone over the last two years. It through our commitment to service, education, and sisterhood that we  maintain and create an even stronger bond as sisters, encouraging each other to excel individually and as a chapter. 


We are all students and understand that your education is the number one priority during your time at LMU. Being a member of Delta Zeta is not meant to interfere with school, but to help members grow and learn. In Delta Zeta we value and support our member’s passion for education, knowledge, and achievement. Delta Zeta offers many services and opportunities to succeed academically.


As of spring semester 2018, we had an overall semester GPA of 3.47. Twelve members received a 4.00 GPA and we had 92 members on the Dean’s list. Our chapter consistently ranks well above the LMU all women’s average and we hold members to a high standard.


Delta Zeta is dedicated to providing educational programs and leadership opportunities that enrich the lives of our members. We are looking forward to challenging each other and ourselves in the coming academic year.

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